Day 52: How to Share Jesus: Join Around the Table

Three Days to End

Written by James Lankford
Day 52: How to Share Jesus: Join Around the Table

November 4, 2024

Acts 2:46-47

"And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."

Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!



Almost a century after Jerusalem was destroyed and the nobles were carried off as slaves to Babylon, Nehemiah prayed and asked God for the favor to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the city wall. God heard his fervent prayer and he started the work immediately in Jerusalem with a unique plan. See if you can pick up Nehemiah’s strategy for rebuilding in Nehemiah 3: 28-30.


Much of the rebuilding work was done by people who lived right next to the broken down defensive walls. Some of them had-no doubt-lived their whole life in the debris of Jerusalem, but they had not rebuilt the wall closest to their house. While many other Israelites did come from around the region to help the Jews rebuilding Jerusalem, it was the prime responsibility of those who lived in the shadow of the damage to lead the work next to their own house.

Turnaround Questions

At times, we complain about far off problems and challenges, but we fail to work on our own community. There are hurting people all around us who need prayer, support and encouragement. The loss of trust, low educational outcomes, and broken families, cry out for godly mentors and friends who are willing to get messy and do the work. Your task could be a family down the street, at your school or through a local church or non-profit. Where could you put your time and effort in your own community? If each family worked on the needs near their own house, we could see a national turnaround. We could re-build the nation together. 


Father, open our eyes to see the needs around our home and workplace. Help us not be comfortable living in the generational debris. Give us a heart for specific struggling people around us that you love and a plan to make our community better. We are grateful that you supply every need at just the right moment. For your glory, please give us clarity for the task and partners to get the work done.

In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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