Day 20: We are a New Being in Christ

Written by Aaron R. Means, Sr., D.D.S.

Aaron Means Sr. Interviewed by Jake Merrick

Video recorded and edited by In the Gap

Day 20: We are a New Being in Christ

March 18, 2025

2 Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

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We are made in His image and we want the children of this nation to know this and so much more. We want them to know their identity in Jesus. Today we are going to focus on when we are in Christ, we are a new creation.

The Romans Call: We have a strong appeal that comes through God’s love and mercy. We are called to present, submit, and place ourselves on the altar of sacrifice being fully aware of what we are doing. In other words, we are to agree with our Heavenly Father that we should give our lives to Him and trust Him although we do not fully know the possible fallouts of being a living sacrifice. A living sacrifice is aware of its situation, and it is willing to stay on the altar and suffer for the cause of Christ (2 Timothy 2:10 -12). No matter how difficult life situations may become, we will choose not to come down from the altar. We are willing to lay and stay on Yahweh’s altar. Additionally, no matter how blessed we become while we are there, we will not claim God’s glory for ourselves.

Encouragement from Galatians: Now that we are dead to our earthly innate human nature, we now receive our righteous nature by the power of the Holy Spirit on the altar. We go forward to place our past, present and future hurts on the altar as we acknowledge that we are dead to past sins. But we do not stop there. We learn to die daily to new opportunities to sin. The transformation continues as the power of God operates in our lives (John 17:20 -23). Therefore, “the life we now live in the flesh” is now that we “live by faith in the Son of God.” We want the children of this nation to learn to live by faith in Jesus.


Our Promise in 2 Corinthians 5:17: Our eyes became open to the presence of God’s altar of sacrifice. It then beckoned us to come forward. We were drawn near to it, and we heard the love story that God’s altar spoke to our souls. Now we willingly yield our lives to the plan He has for us. We are eternally made new while we continue to live in our mortal bodies. “If anyone is in Christ, (submitted to His plan for our lives), he is a new creation” to perform His will. His will includes protecting and defending the most vulnerable people among us. Our LORD has placed each of us here in this precise moment to protect and defend young children.

Turnaround Questions

Can you feel the pains of being on God’s altar as a living sacrifice? This pain originates from actions that oppose your Heavenly Father. If these things oppose your Father, they oppose you!
Will you fully embrace being dead to sin and alive in Christ? It is difficult not to groan and squirm sometimes while you are on God’s altar!
Isn’t it wonderful being a new creation?


Heavenly Father, thank you for empowering us to lay and stay on Your altar which is near to Your heart. You first loved us. Now we have learned to love You. You first called us. Now we call others to Your side. You first protected and defended us. Now we place ourselves in the position to protect and defend Your wonderful creation. This especially includes Your children! Lord, help us to teach children that when they follow you, they are made new! In Jesus name, Amen.

Artist Kyle Trudelle at Trudelle Galleries-Click to Learn More.
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