Welcome to The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer!
Welcome to day 18. Today is a reminder to be strong in the Lord’s power and not our own. We are fighting a battle that can only be seen on a spiritual level. This battle is intense! As believers in Jesus, we must put on the full armor of God every single day.
When I was a little girl, I would put on my mom’s high-heeled shoes. I absolutely loved walking around in them (or at least, trying to walk around in them). I always felt so glamorous in her shoes! Sometimes, I would be allowed to put on her clothes. They were way too big, but that didn’t bother me. The final touch would be jewelry, which made it all come together! There’s something special about putting on our parent’s clothes, shoes, or jewelry that makes us feel loved.
Our heavenly Father has something for us to wear too. Something that is HIS. His clothing is ARMOR. This should make us feel strong and protected. The catch is that we can’t just wear part of the armor. We have to wear ALL of it. That’s what makes us strong.
Every day we should put on the belt of TRUTH, the breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS, the shoes of the gospel of PEACE, the shield of FAITH, the helmet of SALVATION, and the sword of the SPIRIT. The additional piece that sometimes gets forgotten is PRAYER. Our mouths should be ready to PRAY in the spirit at all times.
God has given us power through prayer. That power should be used to fight the evil things that Satan is trying to do. As Ephesians 6 mentions “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the the heavenly realms.” Those are a LOT of evil things to come against us! As children of God, we must put on the FULL armor of God every day to stay protected!
Turnaround Questions
We think about our physical clothes every day. Do you think about your spiritual clothes everyday?
Are you actively putting on the FULL armor of God?
If yes, how does this make you feel? If no, what changes can you make today?
The children of the nation need to know they are equipped with an armor to fight against the enemy. Who is teaching them?
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for sending your one and only son to die on the cross for my sins. I love you Jesus.
God, as I think about today’s Bible verse, help me to remember that there is a spiritual battle to be fought against Satan. I might not be able to see this with my own eyes, but help me see it through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me to remember to fight this battle with the armor you have given me. I don’t have to fight this battle by myself. I have you! You are the best WARRIOR to go to battle with! In Jesus’ name, Amen.