Welcome to The Turnaround!
Welcome to day 17 of The Turnaround’s 52 Days of Prayer for the Children. When we think about our children’s education, it should begin long before they enter any school system. God teaches us how and when in Deuteronomy 6:7-9. Our relationship with our Father prepares us for this lifelong responsibility. Because we study to show ourselves approved unto God and know our Father’s voice, we can confidently teach our children about Him. And when they embark upon that amazing journey of getting to know Him, He introduces them to themselves.
Look down at your hands. You are the only person that will ever exist – past, present, and future – who will have those fingerprints. You are wholly unique just the way you are. You don’t need to dye your hair, pierce your nose, or get a bunch of tattoos. I’m not condemning any of these things, but please know that none of them make you special. God did that when He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He created you to be royalty. He is the King of kings. He created you to be peculiar. You won’t fit in everywhere, and despite what the world says or even how you feel, that’s a good thing. You were created to be a holy nation. You’re not a trend follower; you’re a trendsetter. You set the trend among your friends to obey your parents. You set the trend to tell the truth no matter the consequences. You set the trend to pray and spend time with your Papa God.
Some of your friends won’t get it and will walk away. This will hurt. But I promise you, the pain won’t last forever. New friends, opportunities, and experiences will come. You will also learn what peace and joy are. You’ll learn real love. Not the finnicky do-what-I-say-or-I’m-not-your-friend anymore kind of love. You’ll know real acceptance. Not of who you think you are because of the pain, rejection, or trauma you’ve experienced. You’ll be accepted for the bold, courageous, funny, smart, peculiar person you are.
You were not born the wrong color. You were not born into the wrong family. You certainly were not born into the wrong body. You are not a mistake. You are not a victim. You are a child of the Most High God. You are loved with an everlasting love. You are a masterpiece. You are one of a kind. You are priceless.
Turnaround Questions
How will you steward God’s children and teach them their true identities in Christ?
To teach, we must know. How have you come to know and walk in your own God-given identity in the culture of today?
Papa God, thank You for creating me in Your image and likeness. Because of who You are, I know who I am. I am bold and courageous like Joshua and take territory. I listen like David and cut off giants’ heads. I have faith like Abraham can move mountains. If I stray like the prodigal, Your word will draw me back to You. I will not believe the lies of the enemy. I know who I am. I am a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation a person who belongs to You. I was chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called me out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 5:9 GW I am my Father’s child. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen