Welcome to The Turnaround!
It’s the beginning of Week 3, with the most amazing message…
We are Made in His Image
Know our Identity! Pray the Children will be Taught of their Identity in the Lord Jesus Christ!
This is Day 15. “We are His workmanship!” Could there possibly be a better reminder of our relationship with the Father, the Creator, Who gave Jesus for us and then created us for “good works”? We are not in the Body to be pushed around by the devil! We are the work of God who has made all preparation for us to work and pray according to His plan!
We, the Body of Christ, have a covenant with God, the Creator of the universe! He initiated it and He enforces it. This covenant is the Constitution, if you will, of the Church, The body of Christ. A constitution is the statement of the rules that are fundamental to the governance of a body. A governance is required in order to maintain focus, prohibit abuses of power, and protect the rights of the members of the body.
There is an enemy of the Body who actively seeks to steal, kill and destroy. We see in the Psalms 3:2 and 71:11, that this enemy will use words and actions such as “…there is no help for you in God,” or “God had forsaken him;…”
But in Hebrews 2, we see Jesus has “rendered the devil powerless” by reclaiming His position as Head of the Church, and then in Ephesians 1, “putting all things in subjection under His feet…His Body” which is composed of those “who believe”!
Proper application of faith in the constitution, God’s covenant, will result in successful enforcement of the law against the enemy. Use the Word as a weapon! In Matthew 4:10-11, we see Jesus speak to Satan and we see Satan leave Him. To pray the Word of God is to pray according to the constitution, the Covenant! We must pray His will to obtain His will. We pray according to the rules!
We have this undeserved, gracious gift of God-Grace. Our works or attempts at keeping the law doesn’t earn it. You are a master work, a work of art. In Him, through grace, you are transformed. Do not be pushed around by the devil! We are the work of God who has made all preparation for us to work and pray according to His plan!
When you pray, are you praying the Word of God as if you were actually seated as a ruler with the risen Jesus? Because when you believe, you are in Christ Jesus.
Pray a prayer modeled after King David in Psalm 3, “You, Lord, are my shield, my glory and you answer me from Your holy mountain!” “I know You hear when I call to You!”
I pray in Jesus’ Name that our children receive and treasure Your Word and your commandments. I pray our children ask You for knowledge, discernment and understanding. I pray our children consider Your Word as more valuable than silver and worldly treasures. I thank you, Father for children that discern the fear of the Lord and discover the knowledge of God!
I pray our children remember and keep Your commandments, and thereby enjoy the length of days, years of life, and peace that are added to them. I declare that all our children (say their names) are taught about You and they walk in great peace; nothing missing and nothing broken. My children receive Your Word and make their ears attentive to wisdom. They discern and know the knowledge and wisdom of God. My children are delivered from darkness and walk in great light!”
This I pray in Jesus’ Name and according to the promises of God! Amen